Child-Centered Homeschooling
Ugh!  What a week we've had!  My oldest daughter got an ear infection that required antibiotics.  Since she's only been on antibiotics maybe 1 or 2 other times in her life, we didn't realize that she is allergic to Amoxicillin, but OH BOY IS SHE EVER!  The rash was horrible and required a round of steriods to get rid of it!  Luckily, both the ear infection and rash are mostly gone!  So, that's why there haven't been any recent posts to this blog.

I decided this year to give my daughter a standardized test as opposed to a portfolio review.  I want to see how her home education is measuring up against other kids her same age.  This is more for my information and peace of mind than out of necessity.  Our state of Florida does not require standardized testing for homeschool students.  So far, so good.  The process was very low-key and no pressure.  She understands that she is not expected to know the answers to each and every question, but that she should try her best.  I also made sure to explain that this test will in no way affect her schooling.

Up to this point, we are very happy with the testing process.  I will give an updated evaluation (and name the test and administrator we used) once the testing and scoring process is complete.  Check back for an update in about 3-4 weeks!